We understand the importance of maintaining a positive online image for your restaurant.
If you find an inappropriate or policy-violating review on your Restaurant Profile, you can report the review to our Support Desk. Favouritetable will only remove reviews that violate Favouritetable’ policies.
IMPORTANT: Before you ask to remove or delete a review, read our reviews policy below.
Our Content Integrity Team will assess whether the review violates our guidelines for the specified reason.
Reasons for asking for a review to be deleted:
This includes the following:
We do not remove content just because the restaurant dislikes or disagrees with it or it criticizes the restaurant.
We can remove things like employee names, phone numbers, residential addresses, and email addresses.
We can remove content that includes a call to action, or advertises another business or an unrelated product — for example, spam reviews.
We do not remove content just because it mentions another restaurant or you disagree with it.
We can remove a review if the reviewer was not eligible to write a review about your restaurant. For example, if the reviewer is a current employee, a competitor, was paid to write a fake review, or wrote the review more than 12 months after their dining experience.
If your reason for requesting a review to be taken down is not listed above and you still wish for the review to be removed from your restaurant's profile page. we can do so only after notifying the reviewer that the restaurant's owner have requested for the review to be deleted. The restaurant's owner can then take the matter up privately with the reviewer, offline.