GOOGLE RESERVE does not support ‘SPECIAL OFFERS’. Therefore, if you create a Special Offer, it will only be available to book when the favouritetable booking widget is displayed - on, your website or anywhere else you use the favouritetable booking widget - this includes PRIVATE OFFERS.
As GOOGLE RESERVE does not support this feature, guests can only make standard bookings on that channel. GOOGLE RESERVE also does not support bookings requiring credit card details to secure a reservation or deposits paid as part of the booking process.
You can restrict the area(s) that a booking can be made for by creating a Special Offer and allocating one or more areas where that offer can be booked for.
For example, you may want to offer your guests the ability to book for drinks only, at specific times, and only for tables located in the bar area.
From the main menu, click on Availability and select Special Offers. Then click on + Add Special Offer.
Enter the details of your special offer - an example is shown below - then click on SAVE
The option will appear on the booking widget and can be booked as long as a table in the relevant area(s) is available for the time, duration and number of people you stipulated in the rules for that special offer.
If you need to apply any credit card rules (credit card details or deposit to secure the booking), please make sure that you copy an existing rule and apply it to that Special Offer.