When creating your SMS campaign, you may want to use Tiny.url to keep the number of characters in your SMS as low as possible.
TinyURL is a URL shortening web service, which provides short aliases for redirection of long URLs
Telephone service providers have become very strict about using TinyURLs and this can result in a lot of bounced / unauthorized SMSs.
To get arounnd this problem, we offer the ability to create your own TinyURL from within the system.
When in the Marketing module, from the main menu, slick on Campaigns and then select SMS Campaigns
Then click on the Get Tiny URL button
Paste in the url that you want to use (booking widget URL or Special Offer URL) in Enter Long URL.
Then click on Generate Tiny URL
You can then either copy the Tiny URL or click on the red icon at the end of the URL address line to copy it to your clipboard
And then past that Tiny URL in your SMS text message.
Next Step: creating your SMS message…